Terms & Conditions of this website

Westbourne Capital Pty Limited (ABN 34 131 823 357) and Westbourne Credit Management Limited (ABN 27 131 843 144), holder of an Australian Financial Services Licence Number: 328515 (Westbourne) owns and operates this website under the domain www.westbournecapital.com.au. Westbourne Credit Management (UK) Limited, Company Number 11302524 (registered in England and Wales), located at 25 Green Street London W1K7AX United Kingdom, is a subsidiary of Westbourne Credit Management Limited.

By accessing this website you agree to be subject to these terms and conditions, and any other notices, disclaimers, statements contained on this website. This also includes any access to other websites through links provided by us. Westbourne may, at its sole discretion, vary or modify these terms and conditions without notice. Any subsequent access to, or use by you of the website will constitute an acceptance of any modifications.


While the information on this website has been prepared with all reasonable care, Westbourne and any associated entities accept no responsibility for any errors, omissions or misstatements. Westbourne makes no responsibility for, the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information on this website.

The information on this website is for general information purposes only. The information on this website is not financial advice and has been prepared without taking into account the particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs of any investor. Prior to making an investment decision any prospective investor should consider whether an investment is appropriate to their particular investment objectives, financial situation or needs, read in full the relevant product disclosure statement or information memorandum in relation to that investment and obtain professional financial advice if necessary. You can obtain a copy of the relevant disclosure document or information memorandum by contacting us directly.

Westbourne does not offer its investments in any jurisdiction in which, or to any investor to whom, it would not be lawful to make such an offer.

Westbourne, its associated entities, directors, employees, agents or advisers do not guarantee the performance of any investments, any particular rate of income or the return of capital invested.

Note that past performance is no guarantee that future performance will be the same or even similar.Unless otherwise specified, all references to currency are to Australian dollars.


Copyright on the information contained on this website is owned by Westbourne. Use of this information is allowed for personal use only. Except to the extent otherwise permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), the information may not otherwise be reproduced and may not be distributed or transmitted to any other person or incorporated into another document or material without the written permission of Westbourne.

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Subject to any applicable law to the contrary which cannot be excluded, any liability incurred in relation to information on this website is limited to the resupply of the information, or the reasonable cost of having the information resupplied.

Under no circumstances will Westbourne be liable for any incidental, special or consequential damages, including damages for loss of business or other profits arising in relation to the information contained on this website.


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